I Understand Why Some Call Us Hateful


“When we are called haters and bigots, let’s extend an open hand, saying, ‘Let’s sit down and talk together.’ Then let’s show our new friends the love of God, face to face.” - Michael Brown


Are the 2020s Going to be Like the 1970s?


“Even a global pandemic that induced politicians on both the right and left to usher in unprecedented levels of tyranny, including lockdowns of businesses, churches, and schools, did not raise unemployment and inflation to 1970s levels.” - IFWE


Media Claims of Jewish Condoning of Abortion Are False


“…constant reference to Judaism as the counter to ‘fundamentalist Christianity’ (as AOC put it in the video) led me to wonder whether it is really the case that Judaism supports a woman’s right to abort her child. Thankfully, the eminent historian, Dr. Glenn Sunshine, is part of the Colson Center editorial team.” - Breakpoint


What, if anything, should we do about gun violence?

Some Christians has simplistic answers for everything. What we need to do is evangelize more, etc. and then that would solve all our woes. To my way of thinking, that is not true at all. Our churches are filled with evangelized people and pastors, and look at the messes we see!

But should we simply passively watch gun violence with mass shootings and say, “The problem is the human heart. Regeneration will fix it:?” Or will we address the fact that most people will never get saved and that some behaviors need to be contained?


Pew: What the data says about abortion in the U.S.


“In our most recent survey, 61% of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal all or most of the time, while 37% say it should be illegal all or most of the time” - Pew


Uvalde: “We’re left with a lot of uncomfortable questions.”


“How could anyone be capable of such evil? How long until something like this happens again? Why does this keep happening? Why so often here in America, but rarely elsewhere, in places like Britain or Australia? Why did it not happen here even a generation or two ago?” - Breakpoint
