The Prosperity Gospel Family Style: The Gothard Movement and Biblical Fundamentalism
“One thing should be very clear, Bill Gothard and IBYC/IBLP was not a fundamentalist group. It was a broadly evangelical ministry.” - P&D
Russel Moore on Evangelicalism: “I really don't think we can fix it at the movement level.”
NPR interviews Moore on his new book: Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America - NPR
A religious devotion to the left: Sojourners continues its decline into infidelity
“Many alive today remember when Sojourners expressed some genuine commitment to Biblical sexual morality…. Now, theological and Biblical concepts get twisted to serve progressive agendas and positions.” - World
Christianity and Liberalism: The Spirituality of the Church in a Politicized World
“It’s the 100th anniversary of J. Gresham Machen’s classic work. It didn’t change American Presbyterianism but should have. Was he just ahead of his time?” - Acton
In new book, Russell Moore urges evangelicals to stop lying and come back to Jesus
“I’m talking more about the disconnect between what people really believe and what the expectations of the tribe demand. And that is what I see to be so dangerous and exhausting to people.” - RNS
The Rise and Fall of Evangelical America: Lasting Faith Needs Deeper Soil
“we might safely conclude that many of those who joined and helped it spring up so quickly had shallow roots. Overall, Christians were not cultivated with deep roots in the truth God has revealed about Himself, His world, human beings, and His plan to make all things new.” - Breakpoint
You’ll Never Cancel Israel (Part 1)
The Lord Jesus Christ made two startling announcements, through the Apostle John, to the recipients of the book of Revelation.
Speaking to His congregation at Smyrna, He stated: “I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9).
Then, He addressed the Philadelphian church regarding “those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie” (Rev. 3:9).
Churchless evangelicals are a bad trend for Christians and for America
“Too many see their religious beliefs as an application of their cultural or political values. They identify as a Republican or as conservative with a set of principles and lifestyles attending that alignment. They then see ‘evangelical’ as another way to describe the same set of values” - W.Examiner
Roger Olson looks back on when evangelicals cared about holy living: The Way We Were
“Now that I look back on that way of life, I’m not ashamed of it. Our legalism and separation from all ‘worldliness’ kept me from falling into many dangers.” - Olson