MacArthur on Fundamentalism

When The Master’s University (TMU) hired BJU’s Vice President Sam Horn as its President and when a friendly picture of West Coast Baptist College President Paul Chappell surfaced with John MacArthur on Twitter, some of us believed that a convergence was taking place between the left flank of Fundamentalism and the right flank of Evangelicalism.


What Is Antisemitism? Evangelicals Favor Different Definitions


The European Evangelical Alliance “warned that antisemitism is rising around the world. Taking a concrete step April 26 in opposition, it announced its adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of the issue.” - C.Today


Will More Mainstream "Evangelical" Leaders Change Their Position on Abortion?

We have seen some self-designated “evangelical” leaders change their position on LGBTQ issue, and very many — for a very long time — on the issue of women pastors/elders. The last conviction standing in the moral/social realm, it seems, is abortion.

Now with the clamor because of the potential supreme court ruling, will many cave-in on this last hold out of Biblical morality?

Poll Results

Will More Mainstream “Evangelical” Leaders Change Their Position on Abortion?


Is There a Rising “Neo-Fundamentalism”?


“Over the last few months, in various corners of the internet I’ve started to notice a certain backlash against a ‘neo-fundamentalism’ that is (allegedly) emerging among conservative American Protestants.” - John Ehrett


“A Bold, New Fundamentalism”

I toyed with entitling this article “SharperIron Wins” or “The Interview Steve Pettit Wishes He Could Give” (for my BJU friends). Instead, I chose the title above.

Almost 20 years ago, the SharperIron forum was created. It quickly became the leading outlet for concerns that young fundamentalists had about their movement. SI was a place where YFs could question everything they believed in – except for the fundamental doctrines of the Faith.
