Does your church (or do you, if a pastor) feature MOSTLY expository preaching on Sunday morning?

Poll Results

Does your church (or do you, if a pastor) feature MOSTLY expository preaching on Sunday morning?

Yes, mostly expository Votes: 22
No, expository preaching is not the norm Votes: 1
I don’t really know what expository preaching is Votes: 0
Other or undecided Votes: 1
Our church features expository preaching, but not Sunday morning Votes: 0


Biblical Apologetics and Ministry Today

From Paraklesis, a resource of Baptist Bible Seminary (Spring, 2013). Used by permission.

Apologetics is derived from the Greek noun apologia and verb apologeomai, which appear 18 times in the New Testament. In each instance, the terms emphasize the sense of defending or vindicating oneself and/or truth claims.
