New Year Thoughts on the Meaning of Life

A study by LifeWay Research several years ago found that 75% of the general population agreed with the statement, “There is an ultimate purpose and plan for every person’s life.” That number still seems surprisingly high to me. The same study found that 50% of those who never attend church services said there is no purpose or plan for human lives.

Though Christians are usually clear that there is purpose and meaning in life, many seem confused as to what exactly that purpose is. So my aim here is to answer what is really a pretty simple question:

What is the meaning of life?


Is a new fossil the tail of a feathered dinosaur?


“The researchers believe no bird would have such a long tail. But other studies, such as one published in EvoDevo in 2014, state that long-tailed birds with up to 23 vertebrae once existed.” WORLD


Why Is the Government Telling Us How to Raise Our Kids?


“ ‘Proposed Bill Would Expand Parents’ Rights, but Critics Say It Goes Too Far’ … In the case of this story from Fort Worth, Texas… ‘critics’ think parents shouldn’t have the right to know what their children are doing at school.” NRO


What Child Is This?

Jesus’ birth was the beginning of the end for Satan and his kingdom of darkness. That old serpent, the devil, tried his best to stop Christ from coming into the world. He knew if he failed, his fate would be sealed. Over and over again, Satan tried.

In the wicked man Haman, he came near to pulling off a mass genocide of Israelites – cutting off Christ before He could come. Through Herod, he slaughtered untold numbers of young children in the region around Bethlehem (Mt 2:16-18).

The Apostle John summed up the matter in his vision of the dragon and the woman (Rev 12:4b-5a). Satan tried to stop His own Creator, God’s unique and one and only Son, from coming into the world. He failed. Instead, Jesus completed His work, then “was caught up to God and to his throne.”

Why did Christ come? He came to save us from ourselves.


How to Determine the Impact of Technology on Our Daily Lives

Many brilliant and creative people have worked over the last few decades to develop digital technology. As with many inventions, the conception and the consequences were years apart, and what was imagined as the possible uses of technology was probably very different from the reality.

So, now we have this amazing variety of tools at our disposal. Nearly every house has a computer, and there seems to be a smartphone in every hand. I have more technology in my purse than NASA had to get men on the moon.

As with anything, there are extremes of attitude about technology. Some take it for granted and don’t think it is important to consider whether or not tech has a positive or negative impact; it’s part of our lives, no big deal. Others are suspicious and fearful, prophesying The End of Civilization As We Know It with every iteration.


“Bone of My Bones”: a Theology of Marriage in One Sentence

(From Theologically Driven. Used with permission.)

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (KJV, Genesis 2:23)

The very first recorded words of Adam have sometimes been the stuff of jokes—the words of a lovestruck fellow who has seen a beautiful woman for the first time: “Look what became of my bone!” he seems to say: “Whoa, Man!” But on closer look, Adam’s words communicate something far more significant than first meets the eye.

When Adam describes Eve as “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” Adam is not making a simple statement of fact, but drawing attention to the theological import of the means God used to create her: she was of Adam, and as such she vaults immediately to the place of greatest responsibility in his vast realm.
