Roger Olson on his new book: Against Liberal Theology


“In this book I repeat, but with updated information and insight, J. Gresham Machen’s conclusion in his classic book ‘Christianity and Liberalism’ that was published in 1923. In a way, my book is a centenary celebration of his book but filling in the gap of a century between that book and mine” - Olson


Are There Two Creation Accounts?


“The answer to this difficulty lies in recognizing the proper relationship between chapter 1 and chapter 2.” - Ligonier


Pentecost: The Church is Born! (Part 1)

Christians throughout the world will celebrate Pentecost Sunday and the coming of the Holy Spirit—in a new and fresh way, to begin the church age—this coming Sunday.

Interestingly, these celebrations may not involve many of our readers, as oftentimes the churches in our circles do not make much of this day on the calendar.


"Is Cremation Christian"?

The article, “Is Cremation Christian?” is an excellent article that treats why the pagan practice of cremation is not Christian.

Poll Results

“Is Cremation Christian”?

Cremation is not legitimate for Christians. Votes: 1
Cremation is legitimate for Christians. Votes: 12


What Is Progressive Dispensationalism?


“The more biblical affirmations that can be affirmed without resorting to hermeneutical gymnastics should be affirmed—and the more biblical material that can be held together without resorting to theological gymnastics should be held together—wouldn’t you agree?” - Kenneth Berding
