Chafer Conference Digs Deep Into OT

Roughly 200 Christian leaders gathered at West Houston Bible Church on Monday through Wednesday of this week for the annual Chafer Theological Seminary Pastors’ Conference.

The theme this year was “Critical Issues for Understanding the Old Testament Text.” The keynote speakers were Dr. Randall Price (president, World of the Bible Ministries), Dr. Douglas Petrovich (professor, Brookes Bible College) and Henry Smith (Associates for Biblical Research).


Women and Head Coverings: Explaining and Applying 1 Corinthians 11:2–16


“this passage still universally applies in at least three ways: 1. Dress in culturally appropriate ways when the church gathers to worship…. 2. Recognize that God has designed men and women to relate to each other in different ways….3. Show that God’s design for husbands and wives is beautiful.” - Andy Naselli


Jesus Teaches the Old Testament, Part 3: Midrash as an Echo

Read the series.

I agree that much of the New Testament text – and especially the gospels – are populated by what Richard Hays describes as “echoes,” meaning echoes of Old Testament passages.

To adjust terms to my own nomenclature, I would like to subdivide these echoes into at least three categories: allusions (allusions that are only allusions and nothing more1), parallels (in concept, occurrence, or foreshadowings), and midrash.


Away with the Training Wheels

Training wheels are good … for a little while. I remember learning to ride a bike and being very grateful those training wheels would stop me from falling! I also remember the day my father removed the training wheels and the time came for me to ride a bike without them. They were temporary. They served their purpose, but now it was time to be done with them. So, I fell down a lot—but I learned to ride the bike.
