Young men and the search for genuine masculinity


“In God’s economy, men are neither disposable accessories nor bronze-age perverts. Instead, it calls me up from foolishness into a rich life of hard work, faithfulness, and self-sacrifice.” - Dan Darling


A Never Ending Gladness in God

A never ending gladness in God: Part of the title of this post is taken from chapter forty-five in John Piper’s book, Providence. The title of the chapter is “New Bodies, New World, Never-Ending Gladness in God.”

Some preliminary side-tracking

John Piper has received criticism over the years. I think rightly so on some counts. So I get it. But there are those who write him off completely and warn others to not read him altogether. We must practice discernment.


An Antidote for Scientism—Why Science Needs God


“without this value (of upholding truth) the institution of science would soon sink into a morass of lies and deception. It’s obvious, but where does this value come from? You can’t prove it scientifically.” - Reasons


Student Loans and the Sin of Usury


“Christian theology, however, can cut through partisan debates on loan debt to the underlying moral issues through its teaching on the sin of usury.” - Acton


By Water and Blood

Delivered by C. H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington, on Lord’s-Day Evening, February 7, 1864. (Sermon 3252)

“This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ-not by water only, but by water and blood.” (1 John 5:6)


What Is the Fear of God?


“I have heard recently the fear of God watered down to the idea of respect or reverence alone, which is simply inaccurate. Others characterize the fear of God as a constant and overwhelming terror, which also is not accurate.” - P&D
