New Research Confirms Postflood Dispersal of Humanity


“the dispersal of humanity described in Genesis 10–11 need not be considered a fantastic element. The data provide no warrant, scientific or otherwise, to abandon or alter the traditional historical doctrine of biblical inerrancy.” - Hugh Ross


Why Do We Need Community?


“If we need community for physical and mental health, how much more do we need it for spiritual health?” - Ligonier


This War Shows the Weakness in Just War Theory


“With such a lineage and so many queries in pursuit of justice, it may be hard to see why I believe just war theory is deeply flawed. Because, in one sense, there’s much to appreciate in this theory.” - CToday


Barna: How U.S. Christians Feel About AI & the Church


“there are some opinions where Christians have very different views on AI compared to non-Christians. Just over one in four Christians (28%) say they are hopeful AI can do positive things in the world, compared to two in five non-Christians (39%).” - Barna


Wisdom Psalms or a Wisdom Psalter?


“Many studies focus on the identity and nature of wisdom psalms. This approach remains controversial in that few interpreters agree on which psalms constitute wisdom psalms.” - DBTS Blog
