Covenant Connections in Paul (Part 10)

Read the series.

Is the Rapture in 2 Thessalonians 2:3?

On a related note, some Dispensational writers have believed that the catching up of the saints is what is in view in 2 Thessalonians 2:3:

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sinis revealed, the son of perdition.


Do Bible Readers Make Meaning?


“Throughout most of history, people have considered the author to be the locus of meaning…. But in recent decades the discussion has progressed beyond the exclusion of the author—and even beyond the exclusive focus upon the text itself.” - Kenneth Berding


On Perverting the Gospel

Read the rest of the series on the Book of Galatians. This article covers Galatians 1:1-9.

It’s frustrating to be misrepresented, especially if the stakes are high. There’s an urge to set the record straight, to protect folks who are being confused by the lies. It’s even more frustrating if text messages, phone calls, or video calls aren’t an option. That’s what’s happening with Paul, and this frustration produces perhaps the most sharply worded letter in the New Testament.


Cessationist: The Documentary Film


“I will consider Cessationist through two lenses: whether it offers a valid defense of its position and whether it offers a fair critique of the alternative.” - Challies


Humanity Isn’t a Problem to Solve: Technology Needs a Telos


“In the biblical account of reality, humans exist to glorify and love God, and to serve as His special representatives and co-rulers in creation. Human inventions should help towards achieving those ends, extending our abilities, and mitigating the effects of the Fall.” - Breakpoint


What Makes Christian Ethics Truly “Christian”?


“Whereas the Romans stuck their chest out and talked up their gloria, the early Christians sought to follow the lowly way of the Savior. That’s where, ultimately, the distinctiveness of Christian virtue is evident.” - Word by Word
