The Insanity of Denying Free Will
“Chesterton’s asylum example also applies to a recent article published at about a scientist who has written a book to convince everyone that humans don’t have free will.” - Breakpoint
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Chesterton’s asylum example also applies to a recent article published at about a scientist who has written a book to convince everyone that humans don’t have free will.” - Breakpoint
“My main audience is not professional academics, but I attempt to be academically responsible. I aim to explain a complex topic simply but not simplistically.” - Naselli
“We think we know what it means for God to be good, until we try to explain it. Then we usually start listing other attributes…. It takes some reflection to understand all that we mean—or should mean—when we confess that God is good.” - Kevin DeYoung
Have the blessings God promised to the Chosen People of Israel been redirected to all believers in the church? Will the church receive the prophetic future God promised the Jewish people repeatedly throughout the Old Testament?
People who answer yes to these questions hold to a position referred to as Replacement Theology, or Supersessionism.1 This influence is growing today; and it’s important to ask, “What should we who love Israel—and God’s future plan for Israel—do about it?”
“…the world-famous activist and atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s declaration of new Christian faith is a stunning event. Accustomed as we are to ideological entrenchment, Ms. Ali’s repudiation of her secular bona fides (Richard Dawkins called her a “major hero of our time”) feels genuinely unlikely” - World
Read the series.
The next chapter in the book is by Alan Kurschner, one of the editors of the volume. It engages G. K. Beale’s view of the chronology of the first part of Revelation 7. Basically, Beale believes that the two peoples mentioned in Revelation 7:4-8 and 7:9-12 are the same but seen at different times; the first appearance of them is upon earth, while the second appearance is in heaven (144).
“Hanover Press is a publishing house committed to producing original Protestant academic theology and classic Baptist literature with the quality of a university press and the ecclesial mindset of an evangelical publisher.” - London Lyceum
Exodus 34:6-7 “It is truly amazing to discover, therefore, that the first thing God had determined to reveal to us about His name (or character) was that He is merciful.” - Ligonier
“Really excellent….A writer I’ll stay alert to.” - Mark Ward
“What if, instead of a process limited only to biology, Darwinian evolution was promoted to a fundamental law governing all physical reality? That’s exactly what some scientists have tried to do, most recently in a much-heralded paper” - Breakpoint