Knowing What’s Coming Will Help You Through What’s Happening


“One reason God has given His people prophetic promises is that their dependence on God’s faithfulness in keeping His Word takes away their fear of the future so they will experience spiritual comfort and peace in present difficulties (Isa. 26:3–4).” - P&D


The Great End-Time Revival (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

Did you know that there will certainly be a future end-time spiritual revival upon this Earth? Jesus prophesied in Matt. 24:14, stating:

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

What will that look like during the days of the tribulation? Who will be the personalities that will be involved?


Why Christians Need Philosophy


“1. Bad philosophy must be answered…. 2. Life itself must be answered…. 3. Philosophy is for theology…. 4. Christianity is the true philosophy.” - TGC


Ten Questions on Natural Theology


“Natural theology is the term that is used to define the things about God which can be known through reason. This includes empirical observations about the world, as well as logical inquiries from philosophy surrounding the nature of existence and the need for a first cause.” - Credo


The Great End-Time Revival (Part 1)

It is indeed one of the great untold stories in all of the Bible—to say nothing of the prophetic future.

Did you know that a great end-time revival is promised in Holy Scripture, and that its impact will be such that it will push any previous so-called revivals or awakenings into the shadows forever?
