Reflections upon Hearing the Announcement

In The Nick of TimeWord arrived earlier this week that Pillsbury Baptist Bible College will cease operations in December. This announcement was not entirely unexpected. Nearly two years ago, announcements were made nationwide that if the situation did not improve, Pillsbury would be in jeopardy. Those of us in Minnesota have been watching the slow strangulation of our college ever since.


To the Young Guys: Speak to Be Heard

In The Nick of Time

Read Part 1.

Let me talk to all you younger guys out there. I’m on your side—I agree that younger leaders have something to contribute and should be heard. I don’t think that they should have to wait until they’re forty to get people to listen to them.


To the Old Guys: It's Time to Listen

In The Nick of TimeThe fundamentalist movement was built by young men. Many of the leaders during the modernist-fundamentalist controversy were in their thirties and even their twenties. The most prominent leaders, men like T. T. Shields and J. Frank Norris, were only middle-aged. Younger men are typified by Robert T. Ketcham, who gained a national reputation as a leader in the controversy during his early thirties.


Book Review: Salvation Belongs to Our God

Wright, Christopher J. H. Salvation Belongs to Our God: Celebrating the Bible’s Central Story. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic, 2007. Paperback, 202 pp. $16.00

(Review copies courtesy of IVP Academic.)
