Book recommendation on Covenant Theology

I come from a dispensational perspective but would like to challenge my thinking by reading about the covenant perspective. I was wondering if anyone has any books they would recommend on covenant theology.




Eating Christ, Part 3


Read Part 1 and Part 2.

Body as Bread

After the feeding of the 5,000 men, a crowd followed Jesus across the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum. There, they attempted to manipulate Him into providing more free meals. Jesus, however, was looking beyond their physical needs. He began to challenge their spiritual needs, presenting Himself as the Messiah who could satisfy the hunger in their souls.

The conversation revolved around three questions from the crowd. The first question was, “What sign do you give?” This demand was tantamount to a rejection of Jesus’ messianic claims. It turned into a crass attempt to manipulate Him into serving the felt needs of the crowd. Jesus refused to offer another sign, however. Instead, He rebuked the crowd for their unbelief. He insisted that He had come down from heaven, and that He Himself held authority to raise the dead in the last day.

This claim led to the crowd’s second question: “How can He say that He came down from heaven?” The question underscores the unbelief of the crowd. Evidently the people understood what Jesus was claiming, but they could not accept His heavenly origin.

Jesus did not answer the question directly. Rather, He pointed out that no one had the ability to come to Him unless they were drawn by the Father. Those who did come, Jesus promised to raise up in the last day. Clarifying what it meant to be drawn by the Father, Jesus stated that absolutely everyone who heard and learned from the Father would come to Him. To be drawn by the Father is to hear and learn from the Father. No one comes until drawn in this way, but everyone who is drawn in this way does come.


John vs. Joan recap

Before the upgrade to SI 3.0, an important Filing was posted regarding Gender Re-assignment Surgeries and Christian Ethics. It was by Dr. Russell Moore. There were two replies – mine, and another by Alex Guggenheim.

The “problem” he was responding to was how we would respond to a new convert who confesses that he/she was at some point in the past surgically altered to the opposite gender.

In my opinion, the generally reliable and admirable Dr. Moore oversimplified the physical, mental, theological, and ethical matters involved in such surgeries.


Creation Question: Day 6

On day 6 of creation as recorded in Genesis 1 it presents both male and female being created:
26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


Question on Romans 8:17b

Text: “… if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” (Romans 8:17)

Greek: “ει δε τεκνα και κληρονομοι κληρονομοι μεν θεου συγκληρονομοι δε χριστου ειπερ συμπασχομεν ινα και συνδοξασθωμεν”

My question is about this phrase, “if indeed we suffer with Him” … “ειπερ συμπασχομεν” and specifically with this conjuction, “ειπερ”


Relationship or Religion

It seems that, as of late, I have come heard a lot of people stressing that Christianity is a relationship and not a religion. I understand what they are saying, but I feel that, in an effort to criticize “dead religion” they have gone to far.

I believe that it is important to stress that Christianity is a religion. Fundamentalism was based on doctrine, and religion is about doctrine. When people stress that Christianity is not a religion, I believe that it opens people up to being swayed by the postmodern teachings of the emergent church which de-emphasizes doctrine.


God's Word/attribute of timeliness

How much of the time does God’s Word deny God’s attributes?

Wiping out heathen nations in OT times, God may have seemed not to have the attribute of love. Was God’s attribute of love then or ever denied by Scripture? Are any of God’s attributes ever denied by an accurate Bible?


Exodus 32:32-33

What do most of you think the “book” in these verses means?

Is it The Lamb’s Book Of Life or a list of people that once favored God but had gone away from Him ,and now face earthly death? .


What commission ?

I was reading in a thread and saw where Jim had made the following post -

◦Each believer will give an account for his faithfulness and obedience in all things (the Great Commission included!).

Its easy enough to understand that not many of you see things quite like I do. And thats fine. But I don’t see things as I do just to have something to disagree on. I see what I see because with my limited understanding, Thats what I see the Bible saying.

Mat 28:16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
