Interested in Reading Confessions?

This Fall, I’m considering starting an online reading group dedicated to St. Augustine’s Confessions. Confessions is about 300 pages (depending on edition) and is divided into 13 books (chapters). So, committing to the group would require only about 25 pages per week, plus some time spent in meditation. Weekly I would write a blog covering the content, giving some background analysis, and exploring one or more themes found in the reading.


DVD Review - What's in the Bible?

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My dad recently came home from a writers’ conference where he picked up a book and a new DVD for us to proof for our children. The book was entitled [amazon 1595551220] by the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer (more commonly known as the voice of Bob the Tomato). Before reading the book, I looked at the DVD case which was entitled . While I was cautiously excited that Phil Vischer had created a new company called Jelly Fish Labs, I was also concerned. It looked as if the series was going to be a really low-budget, thrown together show. Instead of computer animated characters It featured puppets that didn’t look especially engaging—at least to an adult. That wasn’t my only concern, however.

I confess that, more often than not, I am a Veggie Tales fan. I’ll even admit that I’ve watched Veggie Tales video without children present and have actually enjoyed the experience immensely. However, nobody has to see many episodes to realize that Veggie Tales is a bit lacking in spiritual depth. The show teaches good biblical principles to children in a creative, funny, and clean way that’s entertaining for everyone—so I am not complaining. I own many of the Veggie Tales stories and frequently hum some of Larry’s Silly Songs. Plus, Veggie Tales DVDs reinforce the values and principles that my wife and I are teaching our children—and our children really enjoy them. But, honestly, how much insight into Scripture could my kids really glean from a Bible-overview from the Veggie guy?


Creation - YEC, 24x6x7, and other Theories

Split off from the SI Doctrinal Statement Thread:
Pastor Harold: No decayed animal matter before eating of the tree. No death till sin. How did we get 1,000,000 year old fossils?


Question about tongues and visions

I have some family that is very involved in an organization called IHOP (International House of Prayer) And they are always talking about how they believe in speaking in tongues and receiving visions from God etc. What are some biblical references to disprove that? They tell me that because I don’t believe in that I have a shallow faith. Need help!


Q & A with Dr. Warren Vanhetloo

Compiled from Dr. Warren VanHetloo’s “Cogitations,” July, 2010.


Is it true that in the Gospels, Jesus rarely gives direct answers to questions?


Let Go and Let God? An Interview with Author Andy Naselli

Dr. Andrew David Nasellli (a.k.a. Andy Naselli), has completed some excellent doctrinal and historical study in the area of sanctification. How do believers grow to be like their Lord? What should they expect the experience of growing in holiness to be like?



I am looking for a concise (okay, stifle those giggles…it can happen, even at SI) definition of Keswickism. Something that a mom who’s been chasing three kids all day can understand without having to stand on her head (for too long). Can anybody oblige?


Recent Books of Significance or Help

I am leading a workshop in a couple of weeks regarding ministerial reading for a conference that I am attending. The title for this workshop is “Whatcha’ Reading?” (I did not come up with the title :) ).

As part of that workshop I want to discuss/consider some recent books of which pastors (in particular) should be aware - either because of their significance or because of their helpfulness.
