How to Win Theological Controversy: Lessons from the Pharisees

Tired of losing debates? Would you like a sure-fire way to win arguments? Consider learning from one of the best. The Pharisees had plenty of experience in theological controversy. Most notable was their interaction with the theological heresy of Christianity. Through the employment of several forms of fallacious arguments they managed to discredit Jesus and his follows and effectively “win” the debate. One prime example of their methodology is found in chapter seven of John’s Gospel.


Advent Meditation: Justice Brings Peace


“Mary, anticipating the peace that would follow great upheaval, rejoices in the promises of God. Her world, and ours, is filled with injustice.” - TGC


Review: The Magi in History and Tradition


“Vanden Eykel’s theory is based on exploring the range of meanings attached to the Greek word magoi, and the use of the term in ancient narratives.” - BAR


Can Objective Morality Make a Comeback?


“Why is it that for baseball, consensus favors ‘integrity and playing by the rules’—that is, adhering to an external order—whereas for morality, consensus favors doing what a person wishes to maximize utility or pleasure for that individual?


Who Was St. Nicholas?


“We know that a bishop named Nicholas existed, that he had a great influence on his homeland, and that he probably died on December 6…. this is some of the legend of St. Nicholas” - Kevin DeYoung


The Gospel Coalition 2023 Book Awards


“A big team of book lovers puts in a lot of work behind the scenes. We receive nominations from publishers in 12 categories.” - TGC
