Calvinism and free will — it ain’t what you probably think


“Simply put, compulsion/determinism means our choices are controlled by external forces. Reformed teaching says our choices are indeed determined in that they have a cause, but Calvin maintained that the cause is the inclination of our will.” - C.Post


On Culture War, Doug Wilson, and the Moscow Mood


“people are moving to Moscow [Idaho]—whether literally or spiritually—because of a mood…. for all that is understandable and sometimes commendable about the Moscow mood, there are also serious problems.” - Kevin DeYoung


Did God Come to Eden “In the Cool of the Day”?


“Adam and Eve hear the sound of the Lord going to and fro in the garden ‘as the Spirit of the day.’ This rendering is not so opaque as it my seem on a first reading.” - Word by Word


Facing Replacement Theology (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

What’s Going on Around the Globe?

Fazio sees a cyclical aspect to this type of philosophical swing and believes that a commitment to literal interpretation might also move to another point on the globe, such as African nations or other developing countries.


We Need Obadiah


“The phrase ‘the day’ appears eight times in verses 11–14, always with a negative connotation—the day of trouble, disaster, or misfortune. But in verse 15, eschatological hope breaks through: ‘The day of the LORD is near.’” - TGC


Depression at BJU’s CoRE Conference


“If you know anything about depression, you know that its seems to be a ubiquitous problem but also a controversial subject. How could it be that we misunderstand such a common problem?” - Challies


“The Last Enemy”: A Brief Theology of Death (Part 1)

The Bible portrays death as the consequence of human sin. Death was the sanction that God tied to the Garden of Eden stipulation: “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Gen. 2:16-17). And God’s expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden on account of their covenant breach and treason demonstrated that His threats were not empty. Death became the lot of Adam and his posterity.
