Review – Clear and Present Word: The Clarity of Scripture

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A Clear and Present Word is the 21st volume in the “New Studies in Biblical Theology” series which now extends to 45 volumes. This volume is dedicated to the doctrine of perspicuity (or the Bible’s clarity). From Eve’s wicked interlocutor in the garden to the present day, there has been a reechoing “Has God really said?”


Calvin's Third Use of the Law

In this excerpt, Calvin explains the third use of the law:1

The third use of the Law (being also the principal use, and more closely connected with its proper end) has respect to believers in whose hearts the Spirit of God already flourishes and reigns. For although the Law is written and engraven on their hearts by the finger of God, that is, although they are so influenced and actuated by the Spirit, that they desire to obey God, there are two ways in which they still profit in the Law.


What Is a Helpmeet?


“We lose quite a bit of meaning if we reduce the idea of a spouse to ‘my little helper’ as ‘helpmeet’ seems to imply. It might be better, if we use the word ‘help,’ to capitalize it and at least add a comma: ‘I will make him an Help, meet for him’ ” - P&D
