Making Disciples (Part 1 of 2)

Note: This two-part article is a chapter from the book Teach As He Taught by Robert Delnay. Published by Moody Press in 1987, the chapter is reprinted by permission.

So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.
—Luke 14:33

The goal of our teaching is to make disciples. To make disciples we must make demands. A veteran missionary was explaining his success in planting several churches: “We have not been afraid to make demands on our converts.” Nor was Jesus.


Calvary Chapel Discontinues Purpose Driven, Reject Emerging


“Both Purpose Driven and the emerging church promote contemplative spirituality, which is a belief system that is contrary to biblical Christianity. Popular authors such as Richard Foster, Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, Henri Nouwen, Brennan Manning and many others teach contemplative spirituality (also known as spiritual formation).”
Story Here.


FBF 86th Annual Fellowship Reflections (Part 3 of 5)

FBF 2006 Annual Fellowship

Session 5: Dave Burggraff–The Light of Apologetics for a Pagan Age

Introduction to Burggraff

It was an honor to hear this man for the first time. Our conference booklets introduced him this way:


The Trinity... Redefined?


Ron Dreher observes,
“Ten years from now, they’ll be proposing “Groucho, Chico and Harpo” with a straight face, so as not to marginalize the Slapstick-American community.”


Financing an Adoption


Justin Taylor with some very practical ideas on overcoming financial obstacles when considering adoption.


Graceful Modesty

Concerns over our immodest culture are not swirling in the religious sector alone. Scrambling to bring a semblance of decency to the educational process, the Florida public schools in my own beloved Pinellas County declared a “classroom cover-up” war this past year, initiating a strict dress code that even prohibits sleeveless garments.
