Separation of the Individual Christian and the Local Church

Note: Dr. Richard V. Clearwaters was pastor of the Fourth Baptist Church in Minneapolis from 1940-1981. He led the Minnesota Baptist Convention out of the Northern Baptist Convention and convened the first section of the Conservative Baptist Association. During those years, he also founded Pillsbury Baptist Bible College and Central Baptist Theological Seminary. This article is from his autobiography, On the Upward Road. We believe it was originally written in the 1960s or 1970s. It is reprinted here with permission.

by Richard V. Clearwaters


World Cup Update: Great Opportunities

Believers at 2006 Fifa World Cup Germany™ hit the streets with the Gospel

The Northland Baptist Bible College men are one won, one tied. They have had many chances to share their faith. Typical of these opportunities was time spent street witnessing in Nuremberg. The day began with rain, but cleared off in time for us to carry out evangelism. “Man, I had a great opportunity!” said Jeff, “I just talked to a university student about the Lord for 45 minutes.
