FBF 86th Annual Fellowship Reflections (Part 1 of 5)

FBFI 2006 Annual FellowshipThis past week, I packed my family up in our blue Plymouth Voyager minivan with a duct taped carrier [1], and drove west to “the wickedest city in the world outside of Paris.” Foder’s California 2006 inserts a tidbit for the wary tourist. “Loose, tolerant, and even licentious are words used to describe San Francisco.”


Burrell takes on Sword of the Lord


Many of our songs are scripture set to music. Only a person with a perverted mind would call anything that goes on in our worship services “sensual.” Jasmin goes on to describe some of the music during the conference as sounding like a “nightclub.” Well, Mr. Jasmin, I’ve never been in a nightclub, not even once. So I’ll just have to defer to your knowledge of the topic, but somehow, I can’t imagine a lounge singer singing “He is Exalted.”


"You just got hit with what I call the 'Baptist surprise'."


“The ‘Baptist surprise’ is a simple strategy. Get your new convert to walk the aisle with you. Have his name read from the pulpit with him standing in front of God and everybody, and then tell him he needs to get baptized. Don’t ask. Don’t explain (and if you must explain, then do so very quickly!). He can learn all that theological stuff later. Just get him in the water!
More here.


"They have plenty of worship-frenzy."


“I don’t need to argue this point. All you need to do is watch for yourself. This is the beauty of this post. It argues itself. Their convention is not edifying; it’s entertaining.”
Immoderate says “The SBC has issues.”


SBC Resolution Against Alcohol


From Resolution #5:
RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina, June 13-14, 2006, express our total opposition to the manufacturing, advertising, distributing, and consuming of alcoholic beverages…”

Full Complement of Resolutions Here
