Mennonites Forced to Move Out of State


Missouri’s new law requiring pictures on driver’s licenses is forcing Mennonite families to move to other states rather than violate their beliefs regarding “graven images”.
Story HERE.


American Idol Sports 4 Professing Believers


Finalists Stacey, Sparks, Doolittle and Sligh are all identified as believers. Stacey is a music minister, Sparks is being touted by MWS, Doolittle is a graduate of Nashville Christian School and Sligh is of BJU and N. Greenville college.
Story HERE.


Paul at Athens: Observations for Apologetics

Within the Book of Acts is an anthology of apostolic preaching. Among those sermons is Paul’s address to the pagans and philosophers of Athens, what has been called his Areopagitica. [1] Here Paul proclaimed the gospel, not to parthenon.jpgbiblically informed, monotheistic Jews, but to pagans and philosophers of thoroughly unbiblical presuppositions.


Chris Sligh and His Christian Fans


MSNBC publishes an AP story on American Idol contestant Chris Sligh and his fan base in Greenville, Seacoast Church, Bob Jones University and North Greenville College.
Story HERE.


Pol Pot Killers Converted


From the article:
“Among [the residents of Cambodia’s Pailin] are men guilty of the worst crimes of the 20th century. Yet in the past four years many who are now law-abiding farmers and traders have renounced their former leader Pol Pot as a servant of Satan; travellers today are likely to suffer nothing worse than a fervent attempt to bring them to the Lord.”
