Former Episcopal Bishop Now A Roman Catholic


Former Episcopal Bishop Daniel Herzog, known for leading a revival of evangelism and conservatism in his Diocese of Upstate New York, recently severed his ties with the Episcopal Church because of their tolerance of homosexuality. Read More about this surprising and rare move here.


Reaching a Postmodern Culture


If the emergents have the solution wrong, how shall we minister in a postmodern culture? Phil Johnson gives his thoughts here.


Jewish Genius


Charles Murray (The Bell Curve) discusses a theory of the role of Nebuchadnezzar in Jewish intelligence. Click here.


Rick Warren vs. Sam Harris


One of America’s leading pastors debates one of America’s leading athiests in a four-hour conversation with Newsweek.
Story HERE.


God and Poll Numbers


A Newsweek Poll reveals that 91% of Americans believe in God, and half don’t believe in Darwinism.
Story HERE.


Chris Sligh Opens Up


American Idol contestant Chris Sligh speaks with the Greenville News about wanting to leave the show, about Bob Jones University, and about his future.
Story HERE.


Showered with Stones or Grace?

As the crowd watched, she was dragged into the center court of the temple. The scribes and Pharisees had the stones in their hands, and they were prepared to kill her. They told Jesus her crime. “She was caught in the act of adultery.” Then they tried to trap Him into an answer by saying that Moses had commanded them to stone an adulterer and by asking Jesus stones.jpgwhat He would do. Jesus, “full of grace and truth” (John 1:14), gave a beautiful and wise statement.
