Book Review—William Wilberforce

William Wilberforce: A Hero for Humanity. By Kevin Belmonte. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2007. 352 pages. $12.99.


Debate on God's Existence to be Held on Nightline


Evangelist Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron (of TV’s Growing Pains sitcom) will debate the “Rational Response Squad” in a special episode of ABC’s Nightline on May 9th.
Story HERE.


Thanks from Greg and Jennifer

Reggie wearing an outfit sent by Lee and Michelle BrockI wanted to share a word of thanks to those of you in the SI membership who gave so generously to my family and me. Many of the ladies in the Ladies Forum went in on an “Internet shower” for Jennifer, and others sent clothing and other items separately. Your generosity has been a special blessing to us.


Pray for Beth Horn


God’s presence and power upon Pastor Sam Horn, pastor of Brookside Baptist Church (Brookfield, WI) and faculty member at Northland Baptist Bible College (Dunbar, WI), are evident in his announcement that his dear wife, Beth, has cancer. Watch the video for a blessing. Please join the Horn family in your prayers.


Center for Reclaiming America Closes


Commentator Cal Thomas reflects HERE on D. James Kennedy’s decision to close the Center for Reclaiming America and the net effect 30 years of political activism have had on our nation.
