Pastor's Wife Convicted of "Voluntary Manslaughter"
Story HERE.
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Moving from Michigan to South Carolina demanded adjustments on many levels for me. Kroger and Farmer Jack were replaced with Bi-Lo and Publix. City names like Troy and Sterling Heights gave way to towns like Pickens and Pumpkintown. When people asked, “How are you?” they actually expected an answer. And it took me quite some time to figure out why these South Carolinians kept talking about USC and the Tigers.
I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Robert Delnay for SI. Dr. Delnay has taught at many fundamental colleges and seminaries during his life. He currently teaches at Clearwater Christian College. I did three interviews with him—one on his life and work, one on the Northern Baptist Convention, and the last one on the Keswick view of sanctification.