Calvin and the Extent of the Atonement
Paul Hartog with some interesting observations in the Baptist Bulletin
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Paul Hartog with some interesting observations in the Baptist Bulletin
USA Today quotes Katherine Jefferts Schori of the ECUSA
Some interesting observations from Rod Dreher
… a day late (but I don’t think he minds).
Dave Doran outlines a recent message at the Baptist Mid Missions Annual Conference.
Al Mohler evaluates God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation by Kostenberger & Jones.
Several have asked if we still intend to bring the pre-June 1 article collection over to SI 3.0. The answer is yes!
A team of experts (read “a couple of guys who are sort of making this up as they go along”) is working on it. We’re confident we’ll get them right here with the rest of the articles eventually and hopefully soon.
Thanks for your patience!