No trick, no treats: Parish bans Halloween on Sunday
“Shortly after Halloween 2004, the Parish Council decreed that in unincorporated Livingston Parish, Halloween will be at the prescribed hours on Oct. 31 — unless it falls on a Sunday, as it does this year.Then it’s on Monday.”
J. Bauder's Adaptation of Psalm 149 Premieres
A composition by Joshua Bauder (son of Kevin) made its world premiere this weekend at a concert held at Fourth Baptist, Plymouth, MNConcert Information: Deo Cantamus- “How Sweet the Sound”The
"What's new is you have new people in a new time who are rediscovering the same kind of theological instincts and impulses that led to the Reformation"
Mohler, Mahaney, Driscoll, DeYoung, Duncan discuss the New Calvinism.
On Being Generous with Grace
"Undermining separatism for the purposes of cooperation with those who either define the doctrine more loosely or do not hold it at all has proven costly in the past, and it will do so again."
The American Council of Christian Churches has released their 2010 resolutions (10-1-through 10-6), which include statements on the Manhattan Declaration and Together for the Gospel, approved at their recent 69th Annual Convention in Hanover, PA.
Graham Festival in Japan Concludes with 1,765 Decisions for Christ
“The festival was preceded by a ten-day pre-festival concert tour featuring Alfie Silas of the Tommy Coomes Band, and included a Osaka Ladies Festival that drew 3,217 women and men and a Kid’s Festival that drew more than 5,000 children.” CP