Jack Schaap moved to the United States Penitentiary (USP) in Atlanta, Georgia sifilings Fri, 07/26/13 8:29 pm Church & Ministry Jack Schaap BOP - SearchUnited States Penitentiary (USP) in Atlanta, Georgia 3 views Discussion Rob Fall Fri, 07/26/13 11:36 pm Good That’s well way from Hammond. Hoping to shed more light than heat.. Related . . . Topics: Jack Schaap In court filing, Schaap blames underage victim, wants out of prison Jack Schaap files appeal for reduced sentence - claims he had bad attorney representation Jack Schaap 'erased' from Hyles-Anderson history The Sentencing of Jack Schaap, as observed by a witness in the court room U.S. District Judge Rudy Lozano: "We are dealing with the treasures that are most important to us - our children" Pagination Previous page 2 Next page There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,But the tongue of the wise brings healing.(NASB, Proverbs 12:18)
Rob Fall Fri, 07/26/13 11:36 pm Good That’s well way from Hammond. Hoping to shed more light than heat.. Related . . . Topics: Jack Schaap In court filing, Schaap blames underage victim, wants out of prison Jack Schaap files appeal for reduced sentence - claims he had bad attorney representation Jack Schaap 'erased' from Hyles-Anderson history The Sentencing of Jack Schaap, as observed by a witness in the court room U.S. District Judge Rudy Lozano: "We are dealing with the treasures that are most important to us - our children" Pagination Previous page 2 Next page There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword,But the tongue of the wise brings healing.(NASB, Proverbs 12:18)