The Northland Bible Core is a required collection of studies for every student at Northland International University.

Didn’t see a specific list of classes, but this is essentially the same approach I was given at International Baptist College. Every student was a double major in Bible and something else. 4 semesters of systematic theology were required for all graduates. I think it’s a great influence for maturing Christian adults. I strongly advise every graduating high school student to take a year of Bible college even if they transfer somewhere secular later for specific educational purposes. I also strongly advise every church member to be looking for college level Bible classes to take. The internet makes this so accessible now, there really is very little (if any) excuse not to audit and learn if it is a priority.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

Is this something new? I guess I assumed that when it was NBBC that is how it worked I thought that all Bible Colleges work this way. Since they told us that when they changed to a “university”, they weren’t really changing anything but the name.

Disclosure…I only read the headline.

With all the things coming out of Northland these days, to me they honestly appear to be reaffirming what they have always believed, taught, or said.

After having took a look at their site, my only concern is they have dialed back the Biblical Languages degree. They only have to take 14 credits of Greek and 6 of Hebrew, with an additional 6 electives in Greek or Hebrew. I don’t remember the exact requirements when I got my Biblical Language degree there, but I know most took 22+ credits of Greek and 12 of Hebrew. Who is their Hebrew professor?