Get Guilt Out of the Way
Posted previously in 2010.
Men and women, young and old, rich and poor—they all gathered at the square by the water gate. They wanted to hear the Book of the Law read. Ezra was more than willing and read from dawn to noon while everyone stood with rapt attention. Teachers helped translate and explain words grown unfamiliar after decades of neglect.
“...this aspiration is not a sign that the believer ... is a ‘legalist’”
Those who have been saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone properly and by virture of regeneration and their new nature aspire to increase in holiness, in faithfulness to Christian duty and in obedience to God’s law.
Rick Warren says paper misreported his views on Islam
“Rick Warren has labeled as ‘flat out wrong’ a local newspaper’s assertion that he believes Muslims and Christians worship the same God”
An Incomplete Contraceptive Coverage Compromise
Friday’s highly publicized announcement, President Obama may have helped contain the political firestorm over the new federal mandate that health plans cover contraceptives. But the embers are still hot. And legally speaking, nothing has changed.
Is culture neutral? Derek Thomas and Carl Trueman: "Of course not!"
Trueman: “Culture is better considered as the set of systems or behaviours which a society has for transmitting meaning and value. When thought of in those terms, neutrality is clearly not possible.” Twinterview: Brits abroad
Harvest Prescott splits from Harvest Chicago
A New Season: An update from the Harvest Elders
After many months of prayer and consideration, we have reached a point in time that we believe to continue our association with HBC Chicago would appear to be endorsing their decisions, which would cause confusion for the flock that is under our care.