PG-13 movies are now more violent than R-rated '80s flicks

I’m not so sure that most Christians I know these days are really all that concerned about violence in movies or television. Violence is way below language and sexual content on the list of offensive subject matter.

That being said, there is no doubt that PG-13 is now (and has been for a number of years) the de facto “family movie” rating for families whose kids are above 8 or 9. Remember all the hubbub about the scene of nudity in the “family movie” “Titanic?” I remember family media companies selling tapes of the movie with the one scene edited out.

No wisdom, no understanding, and no counsel will prevail against the LORD. Proverbs 21:30

As Jack Valenti used to say, “The rating system is a willow, not an oak.” I think he meant ratings were not inflexible, but bent in the direction the winds of culture were blowing. That doesn’t bode well for “standards.”

But lets be honest, the PG of the ‘80’s were much worse than the PG of today. I rented a movie the other day from the ‘80’s because it has a PG rating. It had more language in the first 5 minutes than a lot of PG-13’s today. I had to shut it off.

Lets also put things in perspective. As kids in the ‘80’s we were blowing up people outside with cap guns, tearing apart soldiers in land mines and other type of “army” stuff. The guns were very realistic back then, with clips and everything. Nowadays my kids aren’t running through the neighborhood shooting things up and playing with army soldiers. They are playing Minecraft or with legos…..

I am not saying the stuff is not bad today, but lets not paint a super rosy picture of the ‘80’s.


Bankers’ holiday …. had off

Kathee and I saw Gravity. The first movie date we’ve had this year. 6 in the theater. Rated PG-13. Pretty tame.

I think certain words push any film automatically into a PG-13 rating, even if used sparingly.