The Creepy Normalization of Bulverism

“Bulverism is a toxic hybrid of two better-known fallacies: petitio principii (begging the question) and ad hominem (impugning one’s opponent’s character without addressing his argument).” - Intellectual Takeout


I expect logical fallacies from unbelievers, but I am disappointed how often them come from believers. I am not amillennial, but a Christian friend recently invited us to her church to hear a presentation on the end times from a Bible college professor who had left dispensationalism for amillenialism. I wanted to go to hear a scholarly defense of a position I disagreed with so that I would be better informed about others positions.

Part of the reason I wanted to hear a scholarly presentation is because most of the amillenial people (even pastors) I had spoken with had said they were amillenial because the “Left Behind” series was ridiculous and dispensationalism taught two ways of salvation (I am amazed that this has not yet been debunked). Sadly the “scholar” presented the same fallacies.

It was similar to saying you should eat a ham sandwich because McDonald’s hamburgers are bad and the reason McDonald’s hamburgers are bad is because they do not put ketchup on them.

As crazy as that sounds, the “scholar” was showing examples of some fringe dispensationalists (kind of like some McDonald’s employees that forget the ketchup) and suggesting that they represent the whole group. Then he argued that since you have to reject dispensationalism, that means amillenialism has to be true (there are far more choices than the ham sandwich, just like there are other choices than amillenialsm if you are not a 7 point dispensationalist).

I am not trying to pick a fight with amillenials, I”m just saying if someone picks a position, they should not defend it with logical fallacies. Sadly those sorts of things are being used in the Christian community far too often.