Oklahoma reaches #1 in abortion restrictions

Americans United for Life now rank Oklahoma as number one, edging past Louisiana. Daily Reporter


restrictions are only useful as one part of reducing abortions, and oklahoma has continued to have about 10 legal abortions per 1000 women over the last 10 years.
http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/sfaa/oklahoma.html (see graph at bottom of page)
there have actually been fewer abortions in oklahoma’s neighbors http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/sfaa/arkansas.html arkansas and http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/sfaa/missouri.html missouri .

i think it’s unfortunate that http://www.aul.org/executive-summary/ aul’s criteria doesn’t include any measure of positive steps any state is taking to encourage mothers to carry their unwanted pregnancies to term like financial support for women who choose adoption or to care for the child themselves instead of pursuing their own life goals.

another aspect is people crossing state borders. how many women from oklahoma cross into texas or nebraska for an abortion with less red tape?