New Novavax vaccine may be option for troops with religious concerns

“Laboratory-grown cell lines descended from fetuses that were aborted decades ago were used in some early-stage testing of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and to grow viruses used to manufacture the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. …Novavax, however, says that ‘no human fetal-derived cell lines or tissue’ were used in the development, manufacture or production of its vaccine.” - RNS


We were told that some of the above vaccines had not connection to aborted fetal cells and now we are having an alternative pushed because the others did come from fetal cells. We were told the vaccines worked and they we found out they did not. We were told the vaccines would prevent the spread, but then we found out that vaccinated people could still spread it. We were told the vaccines were completely safe and then we found out they were not. Much of this information was available early on, but many of those who tried to share it were slandered.

[JD Miller]

We were told the vaccines would prevent the spread, but then we found out that vaccinated people could still spread it.

I don’t think this information was something that “then we found out,” as if it was a surprise. The vaccine effectiveness rate was presented, if I’m remembering correctly, as in the 80% range, which is an absolutely amazing affectiveness rate, but it means that 20% of vaccinated people could still get the disease and spread it. Nobody ever claimed the effectiveness was 100%.

[JD Miller]

We were told that some of the above vaccines had not connection to aborted fetal cells and now we are having an alternative pushed because the others did come from fetal cells.

Some of the vaccines used cell lines that are connected to “potential aborted fetal cells in the development of the vaccine. Some of the vaccines used the cell lines in early testing (i.e. they were not used in the development of the vaccine). None of the vaccines contain the cell lines. These were the facts from the beginning and I am not aware of any vaccine manufacturer that disputed this or told a different “story”. Many of the cell lines that are “connected” to aborted fetal cells, are not definitively connected to aborted fetal cells. The pro life movement has pushed the narrative that because A is true and B is true, than C must be true.

[JD Miller]

We were told the vaccines worked and they we found out they did not.

The vaccines did work. The individuals against vaccines had some kind of idea that the vaccines would stop the spread, cure people, or prevent people from getting the disease. That is not how vaccines work. The facts show that those who are vaccinated do not end up with severe conditions or face death anywhere near the same rate as those who are not vaccinated. The facts show that the vaccine reduces the transmission and reduces the number of people who catch COVID.

[JD Miller]

We were told the vaccines were completely safe and then we found out they were not. Much of this information was available early on, but many of those who tried to share it were slandered.

The vaccines are safe. For example, as of today, 1,626 case if myocarditis out of more than 192M individuals who received the mRNA vaccine. That is 0.0008% chance that someone will get this condition from the vaccine. Out of those 1,626 no deaths occured. The risk of getting myocarditis if you have COVID is 0.146%.

People weren’t slandered, they were criticized for using bad data to draw conclusions about the vaccine.

Lots of strawman fallcy here…

We were told that some of the above vaccines had not connection to aborted fetal cells and now we are having an alternative pushed because the others did come from fetal cells.

From the beginning, what we were told by good sources is that cells cloned from long-ago acquired sources (some of which were probably aborted fetuses) were involved in development and/or testing. This story did not change.

We were told the vaccines worked and they we found out they did not.

We were told that the the vaccines were effective in preventing a high percentage of illness. This is still the story and verifiably factual.

We were told the vaccines would prevent the spread, but then we found out that vaccinated people could still spread it.

We were told that vaccines would reduce the spread and, in many cases, prevent it. This is entirely consistent with the fact that a percentage of the vaccinated can still spread the virus.

We were told the vaccines were completely safe and then we found out they were not.

We were told that the vaccines were very safe. This is still the story and still, so far, true.

The propaganda from the vaccine skeptical and anti-vax crowd pumped out so much exaggeration and distortion of what vaccine supporters claimed, it’s really easy to get the impression there was all sorts of deceit and manipulation. This is impression is, ironically, the result of deceit and manipulation.

(Not that nobody has exaggerated things on the other side also, but rebutting an exaggerated version of a view isn’t actually rebutting the real view.)

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

[Aaron Blumer]

Lots of strawman fallcy here…

We were told that some of the above vaccines had not connection to aborted fetal cells and now we are having an alternative pushed because the others did come from fetal cells.

From the beginning, what we were told by good sources is that cells cloned from long-ago acquired sources (some of which were probably aborted fetuses) were involved in development and/or testing. This story did not change.

We were told the vaccines worked and they we found out they did not.

We were told that the the vaccines were effective in preventing a high percentage of illness. This is still the story and verifiably factual.

We were told the vaccines would prevent the spread, but then we found out that vaccinated people could still spread it.

We were told that vaccines would reduce the spread and, in many cases, prevent it. This is entirely consistent with the fact that a percentage of the vaccinated can still spread the virus.

We were told the vaccines were completely safe and then we found out they were not.

We were told that the vaccines were very safe. This is still the story and still, so far, true.

The propaganda from the vaccine skeptical and anti-vax crowd pumped out so much exaggeration and distortion of what vaccine supporters claimed, it’s really easy to get the impression there was all sorts of deceit and manipulation. This is impression is, ironically, the result of deceit and manipulation.

(Not that nobody has exaggerated things on the other side also, but rebutting an exaggerated version of a view isn’t actually rebutting the real view.)

By “propaganda from the vaccine skeptical and anti-vax crowd,” are you referring to quotes of President Biden or the director of the CDC saying that if you got vaccinated you wouldn’t get or spread the virus?

I understand that people on both sides of this debate may have limited memories of what was said. Further, depending on their media sources, they may have a lot of gaps in information. Factor in bias and we are even farther from the truth even if our intention is to speak the truth.

Regardless, we must be honest enough to admit that there are differences of opinion when it comes to vaccines and this is more than just an issue of people making up information. There are talented people with advanced degrees looking at the data and coming to different conclusions. We need to be honest about that.

As time goes on we may find that the vaccines are much safer than the skeptics suggested. On the other hand, we may find out that they are not as safe. It seems so baffling that many of the same people saying how safe the vaccines are are also saying how dangerous HCL and Ivermectin are. That in itself causes many to have a fair amount of skepticism.

An honest assessment would say that we do not know for certain how safe these vaccines are. Many are saying they do NOT know (based on information from talented people with advanced degrees in medicine) and are a bit uncomfortable taking the vaccine at this time. It is frustrating when they are answered with extreme arrogance from those who say they know for certain that it is safe and it is wrong to ever question them on this subject.

I get that we all think we are right on subjects we care about. What has really bothered me within the Christian community is the willingness to trample on individual soul liberty on this subject and even the pressure that has been put on pastors to trample on the individual soul liberty of their congregants. As a pastor it is none of my business whether someone chooses to take the Covid vaccine or not.

I am however grateful for people like the SI reader who private messaged me. He is involved in the Novavax vaccine trial and has positive things to say about it. His experience is valuable in helping people make decisions for themselves, but it is not my place to pressure anyone.