Why pro-lifers keep losing and what to do about it


“Instead of spending our limited resources on phone calls, mailings, and media buys aimed at already convinced pro-life voters, we must be laser-focused on reaching what could be called the ‘mushy middle.’” - CPost


ERLC 2024 abortion state ballot initiative tracker


“Currently, several states already have abortion-related ballot initiatives, while others are still pending in the qualification process. Below is an overview of each state ballot initiative to be voted on this November” - Baptist Press


On bioethicists and world domination


“Bioethics has always been about granting ‘experts’ in the field tremendous influence over public policy. And now, one of the most prominent practitioners in the field… has urged that bioethicists expand their ‘expert’ advocacy to issues of ‘global’ importance.” - Center for Human Exceptionalism
