The Crime of Assisted Suicide


“despite the well-meaning intentions of the Canadian government, a dystopian nightmare has followed in the wake of assisted dying with no end in sight. To make matters worse, Canada’s program has expanded to other nations.” - Providence


ACCC Resolution on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)


“the American Council of Christian Churches… resolves to oppose as murderous any IVF procedure which produces more children than a woman is willing to carry to birth.” - ACCC


Trueman on the Ethics of IVF: Human Through and Through


“While I do not deny the humanity of the child born by IVF or surrogacy, the procedures do. The child in the womb is treated not as a person but as a thing, not as a subject but as an object, not as intrinsically valuable but as having value only as instrumental to some other end.” - Carl Trueman


Bioethics and Big Sheep


“Why are we so good at recognizing and enforcing ethical limits when it comes to medical or genetic experimentation on animals, but not humans?” - Breakpoint


Why pro-lifers keep losing and what to do about it


“Instead of spending our limited resources on phone calls, mailings, and media buys aimed at already convinced pro-life voters, we must be laser-focused on reaching what could be called the ‘mushy middle.’” - CPost
