"Pastor Sexton’s college has actually backed away from its strict KJO position as stated in its doctrinal statement."
K. Bauder on Clarence Sexton’s participation in the 2014 FBFI conference. I’m OK With This
…you did not know Frank Sells
I noticed a few here (such as Chip and Larry) who point out the doctrinal statement mismatch between Sexton’s church and school.
Now I don’t have any inside info on either, but this much I do know as a typical Baptist—changing a school’s doctrinal statement takes a lot less than changing a church’s. Getting some board members of a school to come to agreement versus getting a large congregation to all be on board for a doctrinal statement change without fomenting a possible church split are two very different things. So the fact that the church statement is “behind” the times versus the school’s statement should not be too much cause for alarm if the momentum seems to be showing a shift away from the earlier position.
I’m ignorant of when the school changed the statement, but if it was within the last year (or maybe even two), then I would not expect the church to have yet followed in those steps (assuming, of course, such a change is even being pursued by Temple Baptist Church).
I say this only to note that the mismatch should not be an issue. This does not mean that Sexton’s welcome or not into the FBFI should or should not be considered on the basis of the narrow statement of the church. That is for the interested parties to determine. I only point out that the mismatch should not be considered a negative in the discussion. If anything, it should point to momentum in a change of thought/attitude from the old to the new.
Scott Smith, Ph.D.
The goal now, the destiny to come, holiness like God—
Gen 1:27, Lev 19:2, 1 Pet 1:15-16