‘A More Sure Word’: A Critical Review


R.B. Oullette is the author of what I consider to be the best and most influential popular-level defense of the King-James-Only position…. I believe R.B. Ouellette made a sincere effort to write it with a gracious spirit.” - Mark Ward


Answering the Best Critic of the NKJV


“Charles Surrett… has done the most careful work evaluating the New King James. He’s taken the time to sit down and look at the New King James rather than just dismissing it.” - Mark Ward


On Reasons vs. Rationalizations


“Reasons are the explanation for why you started holding a position or taking an action…. Rationalizations are facts, arguments, principles, etc., that you offer to justify a conclusion you have already reached.” - DBTS Blog


Surprising New KJV-Only Arguments! (Part 3 of 3)


“…the one argument that most surprised and delighted me. It takes real knowledge of biblical studies to come up with an argument like the one you’re about to hear. … a concept that he uses, ‘hapax legomena.’” - Mark Ward


More New KJV-Only Arguments (Part 2 of 3)


Mark Ward addresses the argument that KJV is better because its English difficulty level matches the difficulty level of the underlying Greek and Hebrew. (Transcript link above the comments section) - Mark Ward


Brand New KJV-Only Arguments (Part 1 of 3)


“one of those rare exceptions has occurred—sort of. I got a very intelligent reply to my arguments about KJV readability from a man by the name of Thomas Ross…. he came up with, depending on how you count, seven new arguments I haven’t heard.” - Mark Ward


Do Modern Bibles Change God's Word by 10% to Get Copyrights?


Viewer question: “a question that I continue to have even after completely leaving the KJV Only movement…. I have heard KJVO proponents argue that translators must intentionally reword portions of their translations to make them original and therefore able to be copyrighted.” - Mark Ward

(Transcript available at the bottom of the introductory info.)


Video: Which TR Is the Perfectly Preserved One?


“I’m not being snarky; I’m asking very sincerely. I’m driving at what I think is an important and even peacemaking point in the debate over the text of the Greek New Testament.” - Mark Ward

(A YouTube transcript is available at the link above, though you have to do a bit of hunting to find it.)
