Do We Need a KJV Update? A Candid and Cordial Conversation


“Dan has asked … about certain passages in the New King James Version and modern English versions that he found to be troubling…. I want to give him a chance to express his concerns and I want to take an opportunity to try to answer them” - YouTube


Shew: A False Friend You'll Love


”’… ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.’ How do you pronounce that word? Or is this an entirely different word than our regular ‘show,’ s-h-o-w?” - Mark Ward


Does Psalm 12:6–7 Promise Perfect Copies of the Bible?


“Defenders of exclusive use of the King James Version… frequently appeal to Psalm 12:6-7 as a proof text for their doctrine that God promised perfectly pure preservation of the Hebrew and Greek texts of Scripture.” - Mark Ward
