Gay Agenda: "it is going to get very ugly very quickly for Bible-believers"

I feel that this is wrong on a number of levels. The first one for me is that yelling at people over their sin, is not going to change anyone’s heart. And this is the utter flaw of many in this area of the Christian movement. Your heart is transformed because the Truth is revealed to you. Once you see and accept the Truth, it is a long process of change, but one that is willing to be undertaken by the redeemed individual, despite the struggle. Second, we still live in a secular society and we still need to treat individuals with respect. I am not sure how people feel we can be Christlike by trying to either legislate morality or to yell at people’s sin and feeling that they will then magically conform to it under a secular moral code or through embarrassment of being yelled at.

You know this idea of legislating morality has always been an interesting one to me. It appears you advise not passing laws against gay marriage because this would be an effort to legislate morality. However, does that mean that you would encourage Christians to vote to pass laws that legalize gay marriage? The reality is that we really cannot support any laws that defy God’s Word. At some point, what one person calls “legislating morality” God calls righteous judgment. Frankly, I have yet to come up with a clear-cut principle to guide this part of my thinking.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

I’m speaking as a native San Franciscan (born in Children’s Hospital in ‘53). It’s not about being obnoxious in our stand against homosexuality. In the end, just not bowing to The Agenda’s dictates will be enough.

Hoping to shed more light than heat..


I feel that this is wrong on a number of levels. The first one for me is that yelling at people over their sin, is not going to change anyone’s heart. …

Not taking any sides here, but in my very limited experience those receiving the yelling are openly antagonistic to what is right. They are scorners in every sense of the word. Maybe the yelling—humiliating if you please—is simply the modernly acceptable form of “Smit[ing] a scorner, and the simple will beware…(Prov. 19:25).” If that is so your reference to “not chang[ing] anyone’s heart” might be a little hard to confirm biblically. Smiting is not to change the scorner, it is for the benefit of the simple.


The issue of gay marriage seems to be the dividing line that is separating the sheep from the goats.

I am not saying if one believes in traditional marriage, that they are a Christian. I am saying if one embraces ‘gay marriage’ they are not a Christian. (This contrasts with many millenial ‘Christians’ who opine that ‘there are good Christians on both sides of this issue.) Good Christians do not advocate for gay marriage. They are fake Christians. (wolves in sheep’s clothing)

Let’s break this down.

  • A Christian is a ‘follower of Jesus Christ’
  • To follow Christ is to believe and practice His teachings.
  • Jesus was absolute about His deity as God, Scriptural authority and the transformation (renewal of the mind) of His Followers.
  • To codify gay marriage (sin) as a morally legitimate option, is to directly reject God’s teaching and thus to reject God.

Now, if that is ‘yelling’, the I guess Jesus liked to shout.

Yes, I agree it is going to get very ugly very quickly for Bible believers. And sadly and ironically, my ‘discernment antenna’ tells me that those leading the ‘hunt’ will be the ‘fake Christians’.

When is legislation ever amoral? It is not an issue of legislating morality, it has always been a question of whose morals.