Philly United Methodist Church to host Lesbian "Romeo and Juliet"

Just a little context: I live two blocks from this church. Actually it is more community center than church. The church as a congregation has probably been dead for a long time. I think the Methodists may still have a service but there are several churches and community organizations that rent space there. I was there recently for a community meeting with the local police. So I’m not sure that it is really the church itself doing the hosting except in the sense of renting space to the Curio Theatre (not that they would have a problem with it anyway). Our area of West Philly (University City) is probably one of the most left-leaning areas of the city along with some Center City neighborhoods. There is an interesting mix of old hippies, university elite, young families, artists, quirky everything and more women with tattoos per square block than anywhere I’ve seen. For that reason it is called “Left of Center” (as in Center City), left both geographically, politically, etc. A great place to live as ambassadors of Christ and plant a church!

Steve Davis