“I need pastor friends, so I make a point to go out and find them.”

Having a bi-vocational ministry has been a big help in this area. Just last night I stopped and chatted with a customer who has become a good friend. Earlier in the week I finished a remodel job and the couple who hired me sat and visited after they paid me and I could hardly get away from them. They had given me a nice card and gift to pass on to my cousin’s family after my cousin passed away as I was working on their remodel job. They are not just customers, but friends. I have much closer friendships in this community than I did when I was a full time pastor. I do not think bi-vocational is right for every pastor, but the friendships have been a huge advantage for us. BTW, we are in the Sioux Falls area and that city recently made the news for one of the hardest working cities in the nation. They ranked as one of the highest for people with multiple jobs, so I fit right in for having more than one job. I can’t ever remember getting strange looks around here for being a bi-vocational pastor.