Always Walk into, Not Away from, People’s Grief


“People I knew and loved walked in the other direction. A friend finally dared to approach me with a hug and talk with me. Once the ice was broken, a few others joined. But until that moment, it was like the parting of the Red Sea. They just didn’t know what to say.” - Randy Alcorn


Lonely in a Crowd


“None of us are alone. Far from it. In fact, we often wish we had more free time. Yet we still feel lonely. Why?” - Ref21


No Lone Ranger Christians


“Paul actually turned his back on a God-given opportunity to minister. Why? Because, he says, ‘I did not find my brother Titus there.’” - Randy Alcorn


Go into All the World and Make Friends


“Paul didn’t only give the gospel to local believers; he shared his life with them (1 Thess. 2:8). He didn’t limit himself to ministry relationships or even task-focused partnerships.” - TGC


The Priceless Friendship of Jesus


“What could be better than for Him to not only love us so much that He would die for us, but to actually call us His friends, and not just servants?… (John 15:15).” - Randy Alcorn
