Scott Walker Says 'Faith & Science Are Compatible, Go Hand in Hand'

“Both science & my faith dictate my belief that we are created by God. I believe faith & science are compatible, & go hand in hand” CPost


His answer to the press had some strengths and weaknesses…

“That’s a question politicians shouldn’t be involved in one way or another. I am going to leave that up to you. I’m here to talk about trade, not to pontificate about evolution.”

Second 2/3 of that answer is spot on because it’s really an effort by left leaning press to cast candidates as Bible-thumping theocrats… to scare people. Unfortunately, though, because battles over classroom textbooks, and education policy in general, cannot avoid the topic, the first 1/3 is wishful thinking.

So… it really should come up, but at a trade conference? Tell them you’re not going there.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.