Bill Nye’s Reasonable Man—The Central Worldview Clash of the Ham-Nye Debate

What you are saying is what my “Lutheran” lesbian co-worker who thinks Jesus was a space alien thinks.

Thanks a lot, Mark. All this time I’ve been trying to keep it a secret, but you “outed” me.

I am a Lutheran — either that, or I’m a male lesbian.

I’m still confused as to which…

Would you seriously ever use the word “magic” to describe God’s supernatural powers? If you think it is a good word to use then I challenge you, nay I DARE YOU, to preach your upcoming Easter sermon and call Jesus’ resurrection MAGIC! See what happens.

And, for the record, when Bill Nye or any other evolutionist uses the word “magic” to refer to Biblical miracles…THEY MEAN IT 110% AS AN INSULT!!! Why should we use a loaded word like “magic” when referring to God’s wonderful operation in this universe?

is that only confused people or people criticizing Christianity use the word “magic” when referring to God’s miracles.


Would you seriously ever use the word “magic” to describe God’s supernatural powers?

Would I? No. But I think you are trying to put Easton into an unnecessary box. But he can speak for himself.

Quite charming of you to come to his defense:-)

“…call Jesus’ resurrection MAGIC!”

Mark_Smith — That’s nothing. I once heard a “big name” IFB pastor use Star Trek to illustrate how Jesus was “beamed up” in the tomb…

I’ll bet Arthur C. Clarke corrupted him, as well.