Answers in Genesis' thoughts on the recent Ken Ham-Jeff Zweerink debate
“The primary divide between Dr. Zweerink and Answers in Genesis is one of authority. Dr. Zweerink objects to this point, claiming he shares our view of the authority of Scripture and that he uses the same hermeneutic.” - AiG
Ken Ham Hits Back at Christian Geologist Who Lists 21 Reasons Why Noah's Flood Never Happened
“Ham … takes aim at the claims made in the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry article, published in the March/April issue, which suggests that Creationists are ‘less imbued with scientific thinking.’” CPost
After a rescinded invitation, Ken Ham talks about God at an Oklahoma university
“After the student group’s decision [to disinvite Ham] made national headlines, UCO President Don Betz stepped in and reinvited Ham to offer his talk on ‘Genesis and the State of the Culture’ at the public university’s Constitution Hall.” RNS