Lessons from Post-Soviet Russia for American Christians
“Perhaps Solzhenitsyn was right in his Harvard address, that the Communist East and the Capitalist West were fundamentally the same–deeply materialistic at their core. If this is true, then this resurgent interest in religiosity or spirituality is simply a thin veneer that, when scratched, reveals the same old materialism and secularism.” - Mere Orthodoxy
The author compares what is happening here to what happened to the nations who were part of the Soviet Union after its collapse. There was a fleeting time of interest in spiritual things, including the Gospel. But it didn’t last long. His perspective is an interesting counterpoint to other more optimistic thinkers.
Of course, none of us know the immediate future. He used the term “fleeting,” and that has been the track-record of so many mini-movements toward the Gospel or deeper commitment in the last three decades or so.
"The Midrash Detective"