Lessons from Post-Soviet Russia for American Christians


“Perhaps Solzhenitsyn was right in his Harvard address, that the Communist East and the Capitalist West were fundamentally the same–deeply materialistic at their core. If this is true, then this resurgent interest in religiosity or spirituality is simply a thin veneer that, when scratched, reveals the same old materialism and secularism.” - Mere Orthodoxy


Is God Having a Cultural “Moment”?


“Brierley thinks this ‘wider turning of the secular tide in the West,’ is a result of secularism’s failed predictions. A couple decades ago, the New Atheists promised a rational utopia in the wake of religious decline. Instead, we got a crisis of meaning” - Breakpoint


The Rising Belief in Miracles


“The growth of spiritual secularism, or secular spiritualism, does not disprove the secularization thesis, but it does reframe it.” - Breakpoint


Is There a Post-Religious Right on the Horizon?


“Is there a rising number of non-religious Republicans that are going to take the party in a less socially conservative direction? Let’s see what the data has to say about that.” - Ryan Burge


Has secularism had its day?


“Following headlines in national newspapers about Gen Z’s growing interest in church and the unapologetically Christian members of England men’s football team, Pat Finlow says the evidence is mounting that secular thinking is on its way out” - Premier Christianity


The Religion of Secularism


“Secularism is the belief that man does not need God or God’s laws in man’s social, governmental, educational, or economic affairs. Ironically, secularism rejects religion, yet is itself a religion.” - Ligonier


People Aren’t Rejecting Jesus. They Just Don’t Care


“the landscape has shifted. We now find ourselves in a culture where the active rejection of Jesus is no longer necessary, as it’s already the prevailing assumption…..if they don’t care, we need to stop defending the faith and give them a reason to care.” - Phil Cooke


Christianity Is True, Not Just Helpful


“I’m glad so many people are rediscovering the benefits of having a transcendent anchor as individuals and a society…. But it matters deeply which faith we’re talking about, not only because happiness without truth is meaningless, but because this life isn’t all that matters.” - Breakpoint
