Lessons from Post-Soviet Russia for American Christians


“Perhaps Solzhenitsyn was right in his Harvard address, that the Communist East and the Capitalist West were fundamentally the same–deeply materialistic at their core. If this is true, then this resurgent interest in religiosity or spirituality is simply a thin veneer that, when scratched, reveals the same old materialism and secularism.” - Mere Orthodoxy


The Rising Belief in Miracles


“The growth of spiritual secularism, or secular spiritualism, does not disprove the secularization thesis, but it does reframe it.” - Breakpoint


The Restlessness of the “Spiritual but Not Religious”


“According to a recent article in Psychology Today, those who describe themselves as ‘spiritual but not religious,’ which is over one in five Americans, are at higher risk of mental illness compared to the religious and the non-religious.” - Breakpoint


Incurably Churchy


“…how those who reject the Christian religion—as in formalized membership or participation in a church or denomination—very much want to embrace some kind of spiritual community and gathering.” - Church & Culture


Can “The Universe” Have Intentions?


“But what strikes me is that characters in novels, movies, and television shows still can’t get away from SOME idea of a transcendent power that has intentions and person-like agency and meddles in their lives.” - Roger Olson
