Does the Bible Teach Socialism?
Excerpt from Patricia Engler’s new book, Modern Marxism: A Guide for Christians in a Woke New World - AiG
This article conflates the definition of socialism (a communist model), with what most people are improperly promoting with the term socialism. What most people are actually saying when they mean socialism is a type of Nordic model. Which is in direct conflict with the definition in this article because it 1) capitalistic, 2) private property is promoted and 3) it does not lead to communism. What would be a more interesting article is does the Bible align with a Nordic model? There are some elements of it that aligned much better with the Bible than our current republic model. There are definitely cons to it and it is doubtful it will ever fly in the US, becuase it requires a "social contract" which is not a common thought process in the US, and one in which we are rapidly moving away from.
are actually saying when they mean socialism is a type of Nordic model. Which is in direct conflict with the definition in this article because it 1) capitalistic, 2) private property is promoted and 3) it does not lead to communism. What would be a more interesting article is does the Bible align with a Nordic model?
It is a pity the term is so inconsistently used.
But I’m not sure what you mean by Nordic model. If it’s pro-capitalism and pro-private property, in what sense is it socialism?
I guess I’m not ready yet to give up on the historical sense of socialism as Marx’s idea that society is inexorably advancing to a state where the proletariat controls the means of production, value derives only from labor, and there is no private property.
… which is pretty incompatible with biblical assumptions on those topics and especially with a biblical view of human nature and where value comes from (though it has to be carefully derived. It’s not like there is a verse that rejects Marxism).
Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.