Open Letter to Rachel Held Evans

Why is Thomas Nelson publishing such garbage like this?

[Jonathan Charles]

Why is Thomas Nelson publishing such garbage like this?


There is a huge market for this garbage in the corrupted American church.

Why is it that my voice always seems to be loudest when I am saying the dumbest things?

I wouldn’t call Evans’ book “garbage”. Evans is using absurdity to illustrate the absurd, namely the use of OT passages, especially those of a descriptive nature, to define Godly behavior for the NT church/believer. But is this literary device appropriate for this topic? Does it bring clarity or confusion? I think that is the real question.

It is a shame to see a company that put out the NKJV stoop to publish whatever will sell. They published that book on heaven, Heaven is for Real.

[Alex Guggenheim] With whom is she arguing, then, if you wish to legitimize her work here? The absurdities don’t match much of anyone’s arguments.

You read FAR too much into my post. I characterized her work, then asked a couple of questions. That is not an attempt to ‘legitimize’ her book.

Ok, Alex. Evans appears to be addressing those who pick and choose which OT passages they will apply, such as some in patriarchy and quiverfull movements. One we hear of in IFBism quite frequently is the argument against women wearing pants, most of which is based in Levitical law.

I think reading the review makes quite evident the problems Evans is trying to illustrate.

And again, I’ve seen enough absurdity along these lines to understand her point, but I think her approach undermined her premise instead of supporting it.

Which is precisely that to which Keller objects most. But as to picking and choosing, Evans does this herself as do all believers. It is the why and not the what we pick and choose. Evans is backwards. She deals with all possible what’s as if their possible absurdity will direct us to the why.