The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition names interim president


“The Board has appointed Sandy Willson as interim president of The Gospel Coalition, and he will lead TGC while the Board launches a national search for the next TGC president.” - BPNews


So, what about that TGC article on sex?


“In the end, Butler resigned as a fellow, he was removed from speaking at TGC’s national conference…. TGC pulled the article and the chapter off the website and issued an apology, asking for forgiveness and expressing a desire to listen and learn from its critics.” - World


The Gospel Coalition Leaves ECFA


TGC had multiple memberships with financial-accountability organizations…. For stewardship and expense-reducing reason the Board decided to reduce our memberships.” - Min. Watch


The Gospel Coalition 2019 Book Awards


“The early Christians were considered weird for many reasons—worship of a crucified man, the gospel’s exclusive claims, ethical demands that included one’s sexuality, and more. But here’s a distinctive that might surprise you: the early church was marked by its ‘bookish’ religion.” - TGC
