Digital Learning- key to fixing public education?

Juan Willliams reports: “My main take-away from reporting for this documentary is that ‘Digital Learning’ shows tremendous promise as an immediate solution for helping American students to succeed immediately.”


I think this really is the wave of the future. More and more schools are going on-line. The U of AZ has their education degree on line now. Part of the reason is they are requiring teaching students to actually be in classrooms more. One of the charter school here uses a computer based system where the student cannot move on until they pass the section they are working. Good for both advanced students - who can go more quickly through the material, as well as students who need more review and time to absorb the information.

Oh, and one of the solutions he prescribes is why so many choose to home school. One-on-one.

And college? I’m going back to school for the first time since 1984 to finish my degree through Liberty’s on-line program.