The Need for Pracademics


“In a day when students are turning their backs on college degrees or finding that it simply isn’t worth the price in relation to their career, the solution may be as simple as having educators who teach not simply what they know, but what they have done.” - Church & Culture


Gallup: K-12 Education Satisfaction in U.S. Ties Record Low


“All told, 35% of parents of K-12 students are ‘completely satisfied’ with their child’s education, 41% are ‘somewhat satisfied,’ 12% are ‘somewhat dissatisfied’ and 9% ‘completely dissatisfied.’” - Gallup


Are All-boys Schools the Answer to the Boy Crisis?


“Girls now get better grades than boys do, in every subject, in every grade K-12. Women at university in the United States now outnumber men by roughly 60/40….The all-boys format creates the opportunity to do things differently” - IFS


Without Faith

During my time as a student at Faith Baptist Theological Seminary, I learned that there was an old youth pastors’ joke, built on a misuse of Heb. 11:6. The verse states:

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


School Bans Smartphones and… It works!


“The new policy was initially received with kicking and screaming, but now teachers and students alike report it is working. Not only are students more focused in class, they report using their phones less at home on the weekend.” - Breakpoint


How Do We Prepare Students for the Real World?


“We are looking at our job … through a shattered mirror where work, in its brokenness, is unrecognizable from God’s original design. And this is where our graduates find themselves soon after adjusting their tassel: not in their dream job” - IFWE


Why Haven’t There Been Any Evangelicals on the Supreme Court?


“The lack of evangelicals on the Supreme Court is partly a supply issue. While evangelicals make up a quarter of the American population, Crane found that they’re just 7 percent of the student body at the country’s top law schools.” - C.Today
